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FTVLV-011foot valve for jet ejector
DS-3P-331-150K3'' deep-well submersible
SJ-60S-Psemi-jet pump 200W
BEARG-6203-2RZbearing 6203-2RZ
CABLE-4x0.50-50Msub. deep well pump cable 50m
JT-508Pjet pump non-auto 500W
IMPLR-115-34ppo impeller (semi-jet, 150W)
MHS-5-69(T)multistage pump (3 phase)
VLOKRING-125Mx100F-SSvlok ring (1.25''M x 1''F)
MECSL-208x25-40x47x28-CGxGSdouble-sided mechanical seal (submersible pump)
PRSST-022-025Mpressure switch 1 / 4''M
CAPTR-45-450-011capacitor (round, 2 wires) 45uF
TBR-052towel bar double
RBS-132-4robe hook double (set of 4)
TBR-191-OBtowel bar single (oil-rubbed bronze)
DS-3P-321-1003'' deep-well submersible
SS-W-1100Awaste water pump (auto) 1.1KW
ROM-100-ULP-2012filter cartridge ro membrane 100gpd
FRU-031Surinal flush (w / inlet spud)
UFM-1000ultrafilter membrane (1000lph)
BEARG-6202-2RZ-10bearing 6202-2RZ-10
CDLF-10-4vertical multistage pump 1.5kw (ss304)
T33-312filter cartridge T33 post-ro carbon 11''
SLTPE-050-01seal tape 1 / 2
maaf... stok sedang kosong :(
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